Welcome 2018: A Year of Action

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New Year's Eve is always a time to reflect on the year that is leaving and think about your hopes and goals for the incoming year.

It's easy to look at 2017 and focus only on the bad. Whether it's headlines at the national level that are startling and discouraging or just the sense of conflict, discord, and uncertainty this year brought, it's been a long and trying year in many respects. But in many, perhaps more important ways, there are many reasons to reflect on some good from 2017 and look forward with cheer and motivation to 2018.

I was unable to attend the Women's March in January, but when I reflect on the global response that day brought, I am still deeply moved. What came after is even more amazing.

2017 to me marks a reawakening in many communities of the responsibility that comes with our democracy. Government does just function because of inertia and leaders do not always look out for what is best of us simply because they should. We the people must demand it. 

This demand, that our leaders are available to us, listen to our voices, and act knowing that we are paying close attention marks much of 2017 to me. We did not always win but outspoken citizens had some amazing victories to protect our health care, stop bad policies, and demand better governance.

For 2018, that voice will only grow louder. In 2018, I look forward to being this voice in DuPage County. The size and strength of DuPage County means we have a loud voice on the local, state, and national level, if we elect representatives who are brave enough to take a stand for our communities. With your help, we can elect a wave of officials in November who exemplify that leadership.

Actions for 2018

The most important thing you can do to kick off the new year is to check that you are registered to vote, or to register if you are not. You can do that at the Illinois State Board of Elections.

Want to make sure you don't forget to vote? In DuPage County, any voter can request a ballot to vote by mail. Learn about this easy process here.

Lastly, get involved with either my campaign or the campaign of another county-level candidate. Grassroots efforts like knocking on doors, handing out literature at train stations, making phone calls, or donating your talents or funds is essential work to strengthen our democracy.

Happy New Year!